For most of your journey you have viewed your activities as an outside influence. These activities been something that has landed with you, been thrown on you or things that you felt you “just had to” do because “Who else is going to get it done?”. No matter how great you are at the shuffling and juggling, the sheer nature of it all is chaotic. Even well managed chaos is chaos. As part of your Dynamic Pause you will pause to question your positioning to the chaos. The productivity junkie is not frivolous or without integrity. They enjoy a job well done despite the miscalculation of capacity levels. It’s this integrity and desire to leave every job done in excellence that can cloud the view while blocking them from seeing they have become deeply committed to the chaos. This level of commitment to the chaos requires full emersion. The full emersion requires that you prioritize your rest, relationships, and personal endeavors differently.
The productivity junkie is a person who is committed to the chaos. They feel like they live their life under extreme limitations, which causes more of their actions to happen out of franticness or fear of failure or fear of not meeting a particular expectation. There is something valuable they’re missing. Right here in the depth of it all, they’ve already mastered the concept of stepping beyond limitations. They’ve pushed the extremes to get things done for a long time at someone else’s request or unverbalized expectation. The perceived high value applied to this level of busyness is usually self-inflicted. They’ve learned and are well-practiced in the ability to keep taking on more and more and more. Now it’s time for them to learn how to turn that around and apply the concept of limitlessness in a different way.
They can reframe their life. They can reframe their output. They can reframe their philosophy toward work and leadership. There is room and ability to set a new course for themselves. A pathway filled with a broader view of opportunity. When we live our lives with a dedication to the chaos we feel locked in and if going fast enough we don’t leave much time to consider why. When we pause and realize our capabilities and the possibilities attached, we start to see glimpses of the freedom surrounding us. The assessment and the follow-up actions at this stage of their pause will leave them feeling accomplished in a different way. Doing this work will leave them feeling much more purposeful in their “doing”. The clarity gained will bring a greater awareness of how to walk out the inherent value they already possess. They may not see it yet, but this Dynamic Pause will allow them a golden opportunity to notice. Who’s writing their Dear John letter and breaking off their commitment to the chaos today?